Mental Health and self esteem, iTip Handles makes the difference.

iTip Handles relieves the issues of height adjustment for manual handling, increasing inclusivity and increasing self esteem.

A lady came on the stand at the Health & Safety Expo NEC '22 show and talked about her battles to gain inclusivity in the work place. Not being average height she felt the pressure of having to ask her colleagues to use sack trucks for moving equipment, on her behalf, effected her mental health and self esteem. However after experiencing iTip Handles and how the ergonomics adjusts the manual handling device to her requirements, she could see the possibility of this changing because of iTip Handles.

 iTip Handles relieves the issues of height adjustment for manual handling, increasing inclusivity and increasing self esteem.

iTip Handles added to a sack truck uses ergonomics to rotate the movement position to your height requirements. It reduces the chance of backache and wrist damage. Meanwhile it means that operators of any height can operate manual handling equipment, even if the equipment is not traditionally adjustable.

Conversation about iTip Handles with a Health & Safety proffesional

Its is also a big safety benefit for Health & Safety officers producing RAMS statements for manual handling in the workplace. It means they do not have to rely on training alone.

  iTip Handles builds self esteem when manual handling.

To learn more contact us on  0333 800 5000 or email us at 

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